“Alexander Skarsgard and Cara Delevingne are hitting the road to star in the gothic thriller Fever Heart, which will be directed by Ben Briand.
The road movie follows an amnesiac (Skarsgard) who teams up with a quick-witted circus sharp shooter (Delevingne) to uncover his lost memories. With a charming and malevolent tracker named Blood Lieberman in violent pursuit, the pair needs to learn to trust each other if they are going to survive this strange land stained with mysticism.” – Hollywood Reporter
Written for Australian director Ben Briand, Blood Pulls a Gun premiered at the 2014 SXSW Film Festival. It was later staff picked by Vimeo, featured by Short of the Week, profiled on The Week podcast, and named on Raindance as one of the ten best female coming-of-age films of the 21st century.
Written for Dutch director Mischa Rozema, Sundays was described by Short of the Week as “2015’s most influential sci-fi short.” It would spark a studio bidding war before being bought by Warner Bros. for adaptation into a major motion picture.
An unconventional mystery screenplay, The Phantom Limb was named to the Hollywood Blacklist and chosen by Total Film magazine as one of the top ten unproduced scripts in Hollywood.